Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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From the WCO a data analytics training course to improve Customs risk mapping capabilities

Many customs administrations in the world are embracing data analytical tools and methodologies to improve risk mapping and risk targeting capabilities, better detecting fraud-risky transactions, and enhance their performances in general. Some experiments are being conducted for establishing, within Customs, multidisciplinary teams made up of staff who have computer, statistics, mathematics and social science skills to fully exploit these techniques (read our article on the World Customs Journal).

The World Customs Organization has now developed a data analytics training course accessible exclusively by Customs officials of the countries members to the Organisation that will be provided via the elearning web platform WCO CliKC. The course was developed with funding of Korea Customs, one of the most advanced Customs in the world in the use of such techniques. Also the BACUDA (BAnd of CUstoms Data Analysts) project which is implemented by the WCO to support customs administrations in exploiting data analytical tools and methodologies, has been designed mainly by Korean data scientists (in collaboration with other experts of various nationalities) and derives its own name from Korean word that means “to change”. The BACUDA project is being implemented in many African countries, including Nigeria.

The WCO data analytics training course is structured to build a comprehensive knowledge of a data science, to acquire practical knowledge and skills on handling data and to learn Python programming and the basics of machine learning models.






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