After a long gestation process, the Lesotho National Single Window (LNSW) is finally operational. Since 27 June 2022, traders in the country are allowed – upon registration - to apply for and quickly obtain certificates, licenses and permits required for customs clearing purposes without the need to visit in person the different regulatory agencies responsible for their issuance.
The new system is expected to reduce inefficiencies related to manual workflow processes, avoiding redundant and repetitive data and information transmissions to different cross-border regulatory and licensing agencies. Moreover, the LNSW allows the on-line payment of fees related to the issuance of the above documents to Customs and other administrations interfaced to the portal.
At the moment, the LNSW offers uniquely the possibility to apply for Import Permits for Second-hand Goods and of Vehicles that are of competence of the Ministry of Trade, as well as for VAT Exemption Certificates and Customs Rebate Certificates issued by the Lesotho Revenue Authority. The next step will be the integration in the portal of a series of import/export permits of competence of the Ministry of Agriculture. After that, other government agencies will be added.
Lesotho has also in place a Trade Information Portal that provides detailed and up-to-date information about the regulation applicable to international trade transactions, with a guidance to the procedures applicable to the import, export and transit of different categories of products.
Desiderio Consultants Ltd., 46, Rhapta Road, Westlands