Saturday, July 27, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Russian Customs opens a branch in Italy

On 2 October 2010, the Italian branch of FGUP (Federal State Unitary Enterprise) inaugurated a new office within the inland terminal "Marche" of Jesi. An agreement concluded among the two entities aims to simplify and accelerate the entry of Italian goods in the territory of the Russian Federation. Some Russian experts, seconded at the Italian Branch of FGUP, will assist the Italian companies, directly in the terminal, in the arrangement of all the certificates and customs documents needed for the import of the Italian goods in the territory of the Russian Federation, so eliminating from the outset every possible error in the preparation of such documents by our operators. In fact, the complexity of such documentation is well-known to those who export in such a Country.

(continues Italian)


WCO: "SAFE package" released

The SAFE (an acronym for “Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade”) was approved by the World Customs Organization (WCO) on June 2005 to promote the development of an international standard for the security of the supply chain, offering at the same time to those operators implementing effective measures of security within their supply chains, the opportunity to benefit from a series of trade facilitations (e.g. more rapidity in the release of goods and an access to more swift customs procedures, being them reliable and potentially low-risk operators). On 2007 this document has been complemented with a new section on the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator), which furtherly detailed the conditions for the access to the program, as well as the requirements for both Customs and operators that desire to be part of it.


US Customs definitely revoke the proposal of amendment of the "first sale rule"

In the Federal Register of this morning, the notice of the definitive withdrawal of the "first sale rule" amendment proposal of 24 January 2008 has been published (see our article). It is undoubtely a confirmation of the fact that this mechanism is useful to US economic operators, as it allows them to obtain substantial duty savings on their imports.

We hope that a similar decision will be adopted also within the European Union, in order to avoid to the EU operators to be be cut out at all from benefits that can be obtained through this particular methodology of determination of the customs value.

"Made in" rules freezed again

The Italian customs administration gives an answer to the doubts arisen with regard to the applicability of the new “Made in Italy” marking obligations on textile products, leather and footwear foreseen by the Reguzzoni-Versace-Calearo law (law n. 55 of 8 April 2010) and specifies with notice prot. 119919/RU of 12 September 2010, that the 1th October 2010 deadline will not be respected, as the decree of the Minister of the Economic Development (to be adopted together with the Minister of the Economy and Finance and the Minister of the European Policies), has not yet been adopted. This decree should define in detail labelling procedures and ways of use of the «Made in Italy» marks on said products, incuded the procedures for the execution of controls.

(continues... in Italian)


Spanish customs provide details on the implementation of exit summary declarations

Simplify and authomatize the administrative flow of the export process can improve the efficience of controls, speeding up at the same time the movement of goods. In this perspective must be conceived the Exit Summary Declaration (EXS), introduced by the Regulation (EC) N° 648/2005 of the European Parliament and Council (along with the Entry Summary Declaration) and regulated by art. 842 a of Regulation (EEC) N° 2454/93 of the Commission of 2 July 1993 (IP-CCC, i.e. “Implementing Provisions to the Community Customs Code").

(continues Italian)


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