Giovedì, Febbraio 13, 2025
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


New PAFTRAC report reveals AfCFTA as African companies' act of faith

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In line with the previous edition, the latest PAFTRAC Africa CEO Trade Survey Report (2024) provides an assessment of the impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on African trade. PAFTRAC is the acronym of Pan-African Private Sector Trade and Investment Committee, an advocacy platform bringing together stakeholders from both the public and private sector to formulate policy recommendations aimed at improving trade and investment flows across the continent. Every year PAFTRAC issues a report where it describes the perceptions of African Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) about the future economic outlook of the continent based on specific surveys. All the editions of the report also make an analysis of the expectations of African businesses regarding the AfCFTA.

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AfCFTA: centripetal or centrifugal force?

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Bilaterals has published on its website the findings of a recent webinar organized on 12 September by several organizations from the civil society and the agriculture sectors in Africa to collectively reflect on what the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) means for ordinary Africans in a time of deep climate, economic and food crises. The webinar examines the AfCFTA from a perspective that is different from the one we are used to, drawing a rather apocalyptic scenario.

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Why transport costs in Africa, and in developing countries, are so high?

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About 90 percent of the the global volume of cargo is currently transported by sea. Maritime trade has benefitted in the latest 70 years from a continuous growth in the tonnage of container ships, which have now reached a carrying capacity of about 24,000 containers or more. This growth in transport volumes has enabled a significant reduction of costs for this mode of transport, which have declined by up to 39 percent by weight and 62 percent by value since the 1960s. Unfortunately, this reduction has not been uniform across countries. For instance, a shipment from a low-income country to the United States costs almost twice as much as a shipment from a high-income country. On the other hand, for what concerns South-South trade, in contrast to developed countries, developing countries predominantly use road transportation as main transport modality, a mode of transport that is notoriously more expensive than maritime shipping, despite being more flexible, as it allows for door-to-door deliveries. A new World Bank report analyses the factors that cause these disparities, showing that the cost of trading within developing countries is between 3 and 14 times higher than in the United States, a situation that is also common to Africa.

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Seychelles starts preparation of AfCFTA implementation strategy

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On 17 September 2024 the Trade Department of the Seychelles Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and GIZ, the German development agency, organized a workshop for the launch of the Seychelles AfCFTA implementation strategy.

During the Conference of the African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development held in Addis Ababa in May 2018, the African Union member States were urged to prepare national strategies and action plans to identify opportunities, constraints and challenges related to the AfCFTA implementation, including the sectors and products (both goods and services) that offer the greatest potential for value addition and value chain integration within the AfCFTA single market. For Seychelles, the national AfCFTA implementation strategy aims at identifying institutional and regulatory gaps, as well risks and opportunities related to the implementation of the AfCFTA. The AfCFTA national implementation strategy complements broader national long and medium-term plans already adopted by Seychelles, namely Vision 2033 and the National Development Strategy Seychelles 2024-2028. Our CEO Danilo Desiderio is the main consultant designated by UNECA to develop the strategy.

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COMESA scales up efforts to facilitate movement of agricultural and food products in the region

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One of the main barriers to the movement of agricultural and food products among African States is the existence of different Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) regulations and standards in these nations. A common problem that these goods often face is that they often are not admitted in the destination markets because they contain additives, contaminants, or levels of aflatoxins that are superior to the tolerated thresholds admitted by national laws.

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