Giovedì, Febbraio 13, 2025
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
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Intra-African investments prefer services to industry

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A just-released report of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), issued jointly with the AfCFTA Secretariat, SOAS - University of London, and SITA (Supporting Investment and Trade in Africa), provides a comprehensive analysis of the status of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa, by comparing the different trends by investors both inside and outside the continent. The main findings of the report are that despite Africa has experienced significant FDI growth since 1990, with inflows reaching $79.6 billion in 2021, Africa's share of global FDI remains relatively small. However, there is also a good news.

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Staple-crop processing zones: a new hope for the agro-processing sector in Africa to take off?

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Agro-Industrial Parks (AIPs) have historically played an important role in the emergence of agri-businesses, export-oriented firms in a number of Asian countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, China, and Vietnam. They have been critical in driving the economic transformation of these nations. In Africa, an increasing number of countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia has tried to replicate these experiences by reshaphing them in new and more sophisticated economic development tools. Some of them have taken the form of integrated agro-industrial parks (IAIPs), special agro-industrial processing zones (SAPZs), agro-corridors, and staple-crop processing zones (SCPZs).

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Can Africa become the “office” of the world?

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In knowledge-based societies, manufacturing does not play anymore a primary role in economy like it used to do in the past. Many economists have questioned the model of industrialization that most of developing and less developed countries are following today. Dani Rodrik for instance warned that the rush to industrialization by the latecomers in the development process, so to catch up with industrialized ones, requires huge investments in skill and capital development that, in turn, need the mobilization of significant financial resources, and above all... they need time. They therefore suggest to explore alternative development models leapfrogging manufacturing and go straight to a service-based economy. This is actually what happened in Africa, where in the last two decades most of workers have moved from low-productivity sectors like agriculture to services, differently from Asia, where they mainly shifted to industry. Some African nations have definitevly focused on the service sector to promote their growth: this is the case of Rwanda. This is often indicated as a paradox of the African development experience. Has it worked? No. But...

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Insurance sector, an untapped growing market to which African companies should look

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The insurance sector in Africa (in both the life and non-life segment) is largely underdeveloped and in its early stages of development, this is known. But many economic analysts concur on the fact that this is also one of the sectors with the highest profitability rate and growth potential, in a continent where the insurance penetration is currently only 3,1% (2022 data), i.e., less than half of the global average, according to data from Statista.

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No intra-African trade without roads: what Africa expects from China?

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A Chinese proverb says: "To get rich, build roads first." Unfortunately, this is not the path chosen by Africa, which decided first to put in place a continental framework as foundation of its future economic development, despite many experts have raised the importance of having in place an adequate quality infrastructure in order to achieve the AfCFTA’s main objective of boosting intra-African trade (noting that the AfCFTA Agreement does not even mention infrastructural development explicitly as one of its objectives). The role of transport infrastructure in connecting the different regions in the continent has been also pointed out recently in this article that argues that roads are the lifelines that can help unite Africa’s various economies. However, efforts are currently ongoing at both national, regional and continental level for filling the Africa infrastructure gap, with the support of many international donors. Among them, the role played by China is critical, since the Asian giant has invested so far heavily in the construction of transport infrastructure in Africa, helping the continent to enhance its connectivity. However, China engagement in Africa has also attracted strong criticism due to the growth of Chinese lending in Africa, which between 2000, when the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established, and 2020, grew of five times. Chinese lenders now account for 12 percent of Africa’s public and private debt, making China a central actor in the African debt sustainability and responsible borrowing. The FOCAC is a platform established in 2000 that has become the cornerstone of Sino-African relations. Since its inception, FOCAC has held regular ministerial meetings and summits, alternating between China and African countries, to set the agenda for collaboration. The last edition of FOCAC Summit was held in the end of November 2021 in Dakar, Senegal. The Summit meets once every 3 years alternating between China and Africa. The 2024 edition -  the ninth one -  will be held in Beijing from 4 to 6 September.

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