Giovedì, Febbraio 13, 2025
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
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Which model of Special Economic Zones the AfCFTA should promote?

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Special economic zones (SEZs) are growing rapidly in Africa. They become popular as a way to attract foreign investment by offering incentives and lax environmental and labour regulations to companies that move in such zones, to promote industrialisation and employment, as well as to boost exports. There are different types of SEZs. The Export Processing Zonez (EPZs) is one of the models that has been used mostly in Africa. Companies settling in EPZs are obliged to re-export the entire (of great part of their) production, this is their main characteristic. In other types of SEZs there is not such a limit.

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Rwanda expresses interest in joining the Kenya-EU EPA

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According to an article published yesterday on The East African, Rwanda has expressed interest in joining the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed by Kenya with the European Union (EU) on 18 December 2023 and entered into force on 1th July 2024. History repeats itself. The EU started the negotiations of an EPA with the East Africa Community (EAC) in 2014, and Rwanda at that time became the other EAC Partner State, together to Kenya, that signed the agreement, on 6th September 2016. However, while Kenya went ahead by completing its ratification process (on 20 September of the same year), Rwanda decided in the end to no longer ratify it. After about 7 years, negotiations were resumed at bilateral level between the EU and Kenya, which agreed to sign an “interim” EPA with the EU, in the hope that the other EAC members will decide to join such agreement at a later stage. Now it seems that this day will come soon for Rwanda. ...Except in the case it will decide again to make a step back.

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Integrated markets require integrated policies… and strong institutions

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An article published on Modern Diplomacy analyses the conditions and the pathway for Africa to enter into a virtuous circle of economic development. According to the US economist and bestselling author Jeffrey Sachs, Africa could replicate the success of China by adopting similar strategies, specifically by integrating its markets and engaging more actively in global economic diplomacy. What does this mean?

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The three recipes that Africa can borrow from Asia to develop

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So far, African leaders and policymakers have tried really hard to replicate the rapid economic development process experienced by Asian economies in the last decades. This has been done both by trying to transplant many of the development tools adopted by such countries (for instance, the Special Economic Zones, largely used by China for stimulating industrial development and transform its economy), and by formulating industrialization policies that have flourished almost everywhere in the continent, both at level of single States and of Regional Economic Communities. Inspired by economic development patterns such as the “developmental State” approach, which had one of its main supporters in Africa in the Malawian economist Thandika Mkandawire, so far the success has not been so spectacular as many would have expected.

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2024 APRM Mid-Year Outlook shows increasing optimism by the international community in Africa’s economic prospects

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The 2024 Mid-Year Outlook of the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) shows that the first half of 2024 was marked by more positive changes in outlooks and rating upgrades of several African countries by the three most important rating agencies in the world: Standard & Poor's (S&P) Moody's and Fitch. The work of these agencies basically consists in expressing an opinion on the ability of States to repay commercial debts contracted with international lenders based on a comprehensive economic analysis of their financial markets. The reason why these ratings are important is that they are used by investors in their investment appraisal process and by borrowers in setting the interest rates to be applied on the money they lend. A poor credit rating means that a loan to a certain State has a higher risk to remain unpaid, which prompts an increase in the interest charged to that nation as a measure aimed at compensating for the substantial risk of lending.

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