After the yesterday’s post on the KIPPRA analysis of the impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on the Kenyan economy, a new study, this time from the Department of Planning and Economic Studies of the Senegalese Ministry of Trade, makes another analysis of the impact of the agreement on the national economy. This is not the first study conducted by the Senegalese Ministry of Trade on the AfCFTA. Exactly one year ago, a similar one was carried out to identify the products having the highest potential for being exported to other African countries within the context of the AfCFTA, based on the Senegal's comparative advantages in the manufacture of such goods and the countries where they are in higher demand in Africa. In line with the optimistic results of the previous study, the new one estimates that the entry into force of the AfCFTA will lead to a general grow of economic activity and consumption in the country mainly due to a reduction of prices and an increase in production in several sectors of the economy. This will cause an improvement, despite slight, in the well-being of households of about 0.4%.