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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


UNCTAD survey assesses to which extent Customs using ASYCUDAWorld have implemented a paperless environment

ASYCUDAWorld is a web-based IT customs management system developed by UNCTAD that allows Customs, cross-border agencies and traders to electronically submit and exchange data and documentation with each other. This system, which is adopted by many Customs in Africa, enables the expediting of the clearance of imports, exports, transit trade and other trade transactions, thereby greatly reducing the need for face-to-face interaction.


Sudan incurring large losses due to the continued closure of ports, roads, and infrastructure in the east

In more than one month of blockage of Port Sudan due to protests by dissident groups, Sudan estimated so far losses of about US$ 83 million due to the paralysis of all import and export operations in the country.


Harmonization of regulatory frameworks on transport crucial to create an enabling environment for economic growth and investments

Following the conclusion of the second Global Sustainable Transport Conference, held from 14 to 16 October 2021 in Beijing, China, a report on sustainable transport has been issued by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UN) in close collaboration with other UN agencies.


Ethiopia cold chain project tries to rebalance use of import/export containers in the country

Several Ethiopian farmers in the regions of Amhara and Oromia have grouped in agricultural clusters that are preparing to export high-quality avocados to the international market. At the moment, 600 quintals of avocado products have already been collected, prepared, weighed and packaged by 156 farmers and made available for sale to international markets.


New study reveals low level of AfCFTA awareness in francophone Africa

The fourth edition of the International Trade Centre (ITC) publication “Promoting SME Competitiveness in Francophone Africa” finds that in francophone Africa only a quarter of firms know the AfCFTA and its benefits. Hence, the report concludes that efforts are still necessary in order to increase the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) knowledge of the opportunities offered by the new continental free trade agreement.


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