Giovedì, Febbraio 13, 2025
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Tanzania denies rumours about imminent signature of the EPA with the EU

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A press release issued by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of Tanzania clarifies that rumours about the decision to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union (EU) are not true and the position of the country remains unchanged.

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Africa in the New Trade Environment? More market diversification needed

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A new publication from the World Bank describes the trade dynamics in the various Sub-Saharan Africa’s subregions since 2010. The study shows that except from 2015 to 2019, Sub-Saharan Africa’s trade has, by and large, grown faster than other parts of the world. Specifically, the growth in exports has been particularly high for capital goods than for consumer or intermediate goods. Capital goods are durable goods that are used in producing other goods and services and include machinery, tools and other equipment used to produce goods for consumption. In terms of regional areas, East Africa’s takes the lead, with exports and imports of both goods and services that have grown systematically faster than other regions in Africa. By contrast, Southern Africa’s exports of goods have been growing in line with the world average.

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Ethiopia plans to expand its railway network to diversify trade routes

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As part of its port diversification strategy, Ethiopia is undertaking a series of pre-feasibility studies for evaluating the development of railway links with the Berbera (Somalia), Lamu (Kenya), and Assab and Massawa (Eritrea) ports. Conducted by the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC), the national railway operator of Ethiopia, these studies are aimed at exploring alternatives to Djibouti ports and corridors, that currently handle over 80 percent of Ethiopian trade, in an attempt to diversify its import and export routes.

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The WTO SPS and TBT Information Management Systems

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Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures are measures adopted by governments to ensure either that food domestically produced or entering into their territory is safe for consumers, or to prevent the spread of pests or diseases among animals and plants. They are regulated by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement), which aims to ensure that these measures are actually introduced to protect human, animal, plant life or health and not for pure protectionist purposes.

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Africa and AfCFTA implementation: investments needed to expand truck, vessel, aircraft and railway capacity

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During the 5th Africa Business Forum organized on 7 February 2022 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) as a side-event of the 35th ordinary session of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the findings of a recent UNECA report on the implications of the AfCFTA for the transport industry were presented.

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