Sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


From the UN an appeal to increased coordination of response measures to pandemics and other crisis

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COVID-19 has brought significant disruption to international trade and supply chains, with various countries massively relying on ad-hoc, unilateral measures in response to the pandemic crisis. Irrespective from the restrictive or facilitating nature of these measures, they have all been characterized by lack of coordination with each other. In this regard, multilateral trade rules and most of existing regional trade agreements (RTAs) offer an opportunity for increased coordination of such measures, as they contain provisions establishing mechanisms aimed at encouraging greater coordination of trade policies, public dialogue and concerted approach to decision making processes. This is also the case of the AfCFTA.

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MANSA: a continental platform for assessing the reliability of African businesses

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One of the main challenges that African economic operators face when engaging with potential business partners in the continent is the need to verify the identity of their counterparts and assess their level of reliability before entering into business negotiations or in a partnership. Some African countries offer today specific tools for conducting background checks aimed at assessing the reliability of potential trading partners in other States, to minimize cases of frauds in international transactions.

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The Pan African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS) goes online

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The Pan African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS) developed by Afreximbank is a centralized payment, clearing and settlement system for intra-African trade payments that was adopted as the payment and settlement system to support the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) during the 12th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the AU held in Niamey, Niger in July 2018 (Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XII)).

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Four African countries posed to exit from the LDC category

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Least developed countries (LDCs) are low-income countries facing severe structural impediments to sustainable development. Being highly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks and having low levels of human assets, they are granted with exclusive access to certain international support measures, in particular in the areas of development assistance and trade.

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Kenya to resume mangoes exports to the European market

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Mangoes are notoriously considered as a high-risk fruit because of their attraction to fruit flies (Tephritidae). In order to be imported in the EU, the exporter has to obtain a phytosanitary document from the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) in his country (that in case of Kenya is the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service, KEPHIS). The phytosanitary certificate, which states that the fruit is pest-free, must be transmitted to the importer in the country of destination of the shipment and submitted to the phytosanitary authorities for approval.

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