Saturday, July 27, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Best practices concerning the cooperation between customs and border guards

About twenty years ago, the European Union introduced the concept of "integrated management of the external borders", included in the Conclusions of the European Council of Laken of 14 and 15 December 2001. This concept is based on the idea that the management and the effective coordination of the control of the external borders of the Union, can represent a fundamental element in the fight against terrorism, irregular immigration and human being trafficking ...

Read the report of the Center for Study of Democracy (Bulgaria) on the "Better management of EU border through better cooperation"

(Continues... in Italian)


"Made in" of foods products, the "stop" of Bruxelles

We knew it was going to be like that" (see our article), and the answer of the European Commission to the new Italian law on the compulsory indication of origin on foods products is not a surprise. The reaction, quite irritated, of two EU Commissioners (Health and Agriculture), precises that the Italian law, apart from its possible conflict with the Community legislation (for which Italy has been invited to communicate the law to the Commission as soon as possible via the TRIS service), is unopportune, if we consider that negotiations are ongoing at Community level for deciding on this delicate matter. Read the article on La Stampa.

BTI applications for "one type of goods", a clarification from the ECJ

On 15 February 2005, a request of Binding Tariff Information (BTI) was submitted to the Latvian State Tax Authority (LSTA) regarding to a shipment of LCD liquid crystal displays of different sizes, with proposed classification within the subheading 9013 80 20 of the Combined Nomenclature (CN). In considering the application non compliant with art. 6, paragraph 2 of Reg. 2454/1993 ("an application for binding tariff information shall relate to only one type of goods"), the LSTA refused to give its answer, on the assumption that the LCD displays were characterized by differences (the different size), preventing their qualification as goods "only of one type”. The applicant should therefore have been submitting separate applications, according to the different characteristics of the goods at issue.

(Continues Italian)


Single Window: better late than never

The Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers n. 242 of 4 November 2010 (published in the Official Journal n. 10 of 4 January 2011) implements in Italy the mechanism of the "Single Window" introduced by the article 4, par. 57 of the law n. 350 of 24 December 2003. The Single Window is a tool aiming to simplify import and export operations, in particular offering to the operators the possiblity to submit, especially by electronic means, at a single point of entry, all the requests of release of documents needed for the execution of import/export operations, for which one or more administrations are competent (e.g. certifications, authorizations, import and export licences, and other permits). For further details, read our article.

(continues Italian)


"Made in", Italy tries harder

After the approval, by the Italian Senate, of the new regulation on the compulsory indication of the origin for food products of December 6th, 2010, also the House of Deputies on January 18th, 2011 dopts the relevant text. The bill n. 2363 establishes (art. 4) that food products to be sold in Italy must bear the compulsory indication of the place of their origin or provenance, determined according to the citeria indicated in the law.

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