Saturday, July 27, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


New book on the AEO

The new book: "Authorized Economic Operator: the Italian and the International experience on customs audit and trade security", is now available in the main Italian bookstores. The book is co-authored by Danilo Desiderio and Ettore Sbandi, official of the Italian Customs Administration, responsible of the Office Risk Analysis and customs audit/AEO of Milan. The book is part of a series of professional publications titled "Customs and International Trade" of the Centre for Studies and Services of the Italian Council of Customs Brokers, realized by Giappichelli Editions.

For further details, click here. On the web site of the Editor is possible to download an excerpt of the book.

Proceedings of the International Customs Conference of Shanghai available on line

Proceedings of the International Customs Conference of Shanghai (1th to 2nd September 2010), are available on the web site of the EU Commission. Reaching a balance between the objectives of trade facilitation, on one side, and the need to safeguard the security of citizens, to protect the intellectual property rights and combat illicit trade, on the other side, is one of the main topics on which the debate has focused. Ample space has been also dedicated to new forms of partnership between economic operators and Customs, as well as on the future of the EU-China relations.

EORI guidelines, new version ready

The TAXUD (Taxation and Customs Union) General Directorate of the European Commission has published an updated version of the EORI Guidelines. The EORI system, introduced by the EC Regulation N° 312 of 16 April 2009 (read our article), has been developed for the recensement of the operators acting within the customs territory of the European Union and performing international trade operations, with the purpose of tracking electronically their customs operations. Instructions for obtaining such a code, as well as the modalities for its indication in the customs declarations, are contained in the Notice N. 82556 of the Customs Agency of 17 June 2009*. The European Commission website offers the possibility to control the validity of an EORI number, verifying also to which operator this is associated.


* Updated with the Notice prot. 90673 of 8 October 2010.

Australian Customs under the vigilance of the Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity

The Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) is an independant authority established on 2006 by the Australian government (with the “Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act”), to control corruption practicescommitted by the officials of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and of the Australian Crime Commission (ACC), a body which deals with the fight to the organized crime in such a Country.

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ACTA Agreement negotiations close to an end

Multilateral negotiations for the adoption of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement  (“ACTA”), which are pending from 3 years, are seemingly arrived to a tipping point. 

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