Friday, September 20, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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Customs representatives: the direct representation must be always explicitly conferred

The principle has been affirmed by the EU Court of Justice, in the decision of the Sixth Section of 7 April 2011 (Case C-153/10, Staatssecretaris van Financiën/Sony Supply Chain Solutions (Europe) BV), which establishes at point n. 31 that the provision referred to in art. 5, par. 4, second indent of the Community Customs Code (EEC Reg. 2913/1992, hereinafter "CCC"),
providing that "the person who fails to state that he is acting in the name of or on behalf of another person or who states that he is acting in the name of or on behalf of another person without being empowered to do so is to be deemed to be acting in his own name and on his own behalf", implies that the power of (direct) representation must be conferred always in an express form and never in an assumptive way. The implications for customs representatives are important. To act as direct representatives of their clients, they must dispose, before each customs operation or groups of customs operations to be carried out within a certain period (e.g. during the year), of a written power of attorney (i.e. an unilateral act authorizing the representative to act in the name of the represented person). Without such power of attorney, those who submit a customs declaration in the mode of the direct representation, can be considered by customs authorities as acting as "indirect representatives", with the relevant responsibility  in terms of joint responsibility for the customs obligation set forth in art. 201, par. 3, CCC).

(continues ... in Italian)

La decisione in oggetto afferma anche un altro principio importante: in base all'art. 12, n. 2, del Codice Doganale Comunitario ed agli artt. 10 e 11 delle relative disposizioni di applicazione (Reg. 2454/1993), il rappresentante indiretto (ossia, ai sensi dell’art. 5 CDC, colui che spende il suo nome all’interno della dichiarazione doganale), può avvalersi – in relazione a quelle operazioni cui la dichiarazione doganale si riferisce – unicamente delle ITV di cui egli stesso è titolare, e non anche di quelle rilasciate alla società che gli ha fornito l’incarico, anche se quest’ultima fa parte del suo stesso gruppo. Cosa diversa è invece se il rappresentante doganale ha agito con la rappresentanza diretta (ha speso cioè, all’interno della dichiarazione doganale, direttamente il nome dell’operatore che rappresenta), nel qual caso potrà pacificamente utilizzare, ai fini della classificazione tariffaria delle merci, anche una ITV di cui è titolare il soggetto che egli rappresenta.

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