Giovedì, Settembre 19, 2024
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WCO releases the HS 2022 Correlation Tables

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The Contracting Parties to the “International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System" finalized in January 2020 the 7th edition of the Harmonized System nomenclature (HS 2022), which will enter into force on 1 January 2022 by replacing the current (HS 2017) edition of the Harmonized System, entered into force on 1 January 2017 (for further details read our post here).

The WCO announced in the same month that the Harmonized System Committee (HSC) was working on the development of a correlation table between the current (2017) HS version and the new edition. The HSC is a technical committee in charge of preparatory work related to the HS Convention, whose main tasks are: to prepare Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions or other advices as guidance to the interpretation of the Harmonized System, and exercising such other functions in relation to the Harmonized System as the WCO Council or the Contracting Parties may deem necessary; to prepare recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation and application of the Harmonized System legal texts, including by settling classification disputes between Contracting Parties, thus facilitating trade; to propose amendments and updates to the Harmonized System to reflect developments in technology and changes in trade patterns as well as other needs of Harmonized System users; and to promote widespread application of the Harmonized System and examine general questions and policy matters relating to it.

Although they are not binding legal instruments, the Correlation Tables are an essential tool for WCO Members and the wider trade community in preparing for the introduction of the new edition of the HS. The HSC completed its examination of the correlations prepared by the Secretariat at its 66th Session held in October 2020, which was followed by the adoption of the HSC/66 Report on 13 November 2020, with which the Correlation Tables were cleared by the HSC for release on the WCO website.

These tables lastly adopted by the HSC compare the 7th Edition of the Harmonized System (HS) with the current HS 2017 (6thEdition) of the HS. In particular, two tables have been released:

1) Table І, establishing the correlation between the 2022 version and the 2017 version of the HS. This document also includes remarks against many of the correlations, briefly specifying the nature of the goods transferred and, where appropriate, referencing other relevant amended legal provisions in the HS.

2) Table ІІ, establishing the correlation starting from the 2017 version to the 2022 version. As a simple mechanical transposition of Table І, it does not include a reproduction of the remarks.

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