Monday, October 07, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results



Books, studies and research papers:


  • Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs) monitoring system in Africa: possible approaches for HoAI countries→, HoAI Secretariat, c/o Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2023
  • Analysys of the institutional structure/coordination mechanism for trade and investment policies→, HoAI Secretariat, c/o Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2023
  • Horn of Africa Regional Roadmap on Private Sector Engagement→, HoAI Secretariat, c/o Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2023
  • Horn of Africa Regional Trade Facilitation Roadmap → (English/French), HoAI Secretariat, National Treasury and of Economic Planning of Kenya, Nairobi
  • D. Desiderio, I. Alikhani, Trade Integration and Facilitation Reforms in the Horn of Africa and Way Forward, EU report, November 2020
  • The expansion of Italian companies abroad: tax, contractual and customs aspects, MAP Editions, Turin, November 2011 (various authors)
  • D. Desiderio, E. Sbandi, "Authorised Economic Operator, the Italian and the international experience on customs auditing and security of trade", Giappichelli editions, 2010, pp. XII-200 (read review )
  • D. Desiderio, "Practical guide to the customs power of attorney and mandate", Giappichelli editions, 2010 (read review on "Italia Oggi" ; review on
  • D. Desiderio, M. Giffoni, "EU Customs legislation and new Customs Code", Giappichelli Editions 2009, pp. XIV-198 (read review on "Italia Oggi" )
  • D. Desiderio, "Customs controls and economic competitiveness", Giappichelli Editions, 2008, pp. X-170 (read review on "Sistemi di Logistica" )
  • D. Desiderio, "VAT warehouses and other warehousing procedures in the EU", Giappichelli Editions 2008, pp. X-70
  • (Various Authors) "Campania International – Guide to the internationalization of companies: tools, customs and contractual rules and marketing strategies”, realised by the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade in collaboration with SPRINT Campania (October 2008);
  • (Various Authors) "The expansion of Italian companies abroad", MAP Editions, October 2007
  • (Various Authors) "International Trade: customs, contractual and tax rules", MAP Editions, July 2004
  • The impact of the customs representation on the EU’s competitiveness and security”, Confiad, 2007, Istanbul (Turkey) (English Version )
  • "The road haulage sector in Serbia-Montenegro: a case study" , Osservatorio Logistico Veneto, November 2005


Guidelines for Customs Brokers (Italian Council of Customs Brokers):


On the World Customs Journal:

On MHD Supply Chain Solutions (Intermedia Group, Australia):

On SSRN, Political Behaviour: Race, Ethnicity & Identity Politics eJournal:

On "Il Doganalista" (bi-monthly Journal on international trade & customs of the Italian Council of Customs Brokers):

  • "On the difference between customs compliance and customs planning", n. 6 (November-December 2023)
  • "REX system and self-certification of origin within the EPAs of the EU”, n. 3 (May-June 2023)
  • “AfCFTA and opportunities for logistics companies in Africa”, n. 1 (January-February 2023)
  • "WTO tools for accessing trade statistics and measures", n. 4 (July-August 2022)
  • "Customs shopping and contradictions of the EU Customs Union", n. 3 (May-June 2022)
  • "Green lanes and delays at borders: the Polish eBT system", n.1 (January-February 2022)
  • “Union Single Window and port shopping in the EU: reality or utopia?”, n. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2021)
  • “Towards a re-thinking of EU-Africa relations”, n. 5 (September-October 2021)
  • ROSA: Rules of Origin Self-Assessment, one-stop-shop for rules of origin (July-Aug. 2021)
  • Smart borders, n. 3 (May-June 2021)
  • African Union, AfCFTA Agreement", n. 2 (March-April 2021)
  • "The principle of proportionality of customs penalties", n. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2020)
  • "Global Trade Helpdesk, a multi-language platform for trade information", n. 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2020)
  • "Royalties and customs value, a clarification from the Supreme Court", n. 4 (July-Aug. 2020)
  • "The trend of One Stop Border Posts in Africa", n. 2-3 (March-April, May-June 2020)
  • "The Customs Academy in the United Kingdom", n. 1 (January-February 2020)
  • "Customs representative, this unknown" and "Customs broker exam in the USA: a test projected for failure", n. 6 (November-December 2019)
  • "Customs: targeted action for achieving results", n. 4 (July-Aug. 2019)
  • "Rapid alert systems and enhanced controls in the EU", n. 2 (March-April 2019)
  • "From the Customs Agency, new guidelines on the preferential origin", n. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2019)
  • "Taxud B2/031/2016: access to the AEO status" and "Trading across borders: the World Bank ranks Italy as the first in the world", n. 4 (July-August 2016)
  • "The reorganisation of customs regimes in the new Union Customs Code" e "WCO study on customs brokers", n. 3 (May-June 2016)
  • "Administrative penalties and customs brokers", n. 1 (January-February 2016)
  • "Trade Facilitation Agreement:the EU ratification", n.6 (November-December 2015)
  • "The concept of 'abuse of right' in the taxpayer's bill of rights", n. 5, (Sept.-Oct. 2015)
  • "Integrated border management", n. 4, (July-August 2015)
  • "Fast Corridors", n. 3, (May-June 2015)
  • "Standard of competence for customs representatives", n. 2, (March-April 2015)
  • "Local clearance procedure and direct representation", n. 1, (January-February 2015)
  • "Customs management: common rules and global trends", n. 6, (November-December 2014)
  • "Made in: the UE Parliament approves the rules", n. 4 (July-August 2014)
  • "Speeding up customs controls: fast clearance", n. 2, (March-April 2014)
  • "TFA: Trade Facilitation Agreement", n. 1, (January-February 2014)
  • "Japan: import requirements for agro-food products", n. 6 (November-December 2013)
  • "The payment of customs duties via wire transfer becomes a reality", n 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2013)
  • "Made in the world", n. 4 (July - August 2013)
  • "New trends in outsourcing customs services", n. 3 (May-June 2013)
  • "WCO: how to improve customs performances", n. 2 (March-April 2013)
  • "2013 - Doing Business in Italy", n. 6 (November-December 2012)
  • "Article 303 Italian Customs Act and origin of goods", n.5 (September-October 2012)
  • “Recast, consolidation and codification in the EU law”, and “Liberalisation of customs services: choice or opportunity?”, n. 4 (July-August 2012)
  • “Made in” and deceptive marks“, “From the European Parliament a study on the implementation of the New ‘modernized’ customs code”, n. 3 (May-June 2012)
  • "Italian Customs Code, article 303 - new text" and (with Giffoni, M.) "The Customs Code becomes the Union Code" n. 2 (March-April 2012) -
  • "Customs regime 42 at risk of VAT evasion", n. 1 (January-February 2012)
  • "Customs brokers USA-EU, same profession, different horizons" and "Customs declarations, doganali, annulment", n. 5 (September-October 2011)
  • "Commercial documents and development of traffics flows" , n. 4 (July-August 2011)
  • "Europe says yes to traceability" and (with Giffoni, M.) "New comitology rules" , n. 4 (May-June 2011)
  • "Import VAT collection within the centralised clearance scheme" (with M. Giffoni) and "Goods manufactured abroad", n. 2 (March-April 2011)
  • "No-objection Sanitary Certificate and Veterinary Common Entry Document: user's manual" and "New Italian 'made in' regulation on food products on the EU's testing ground", n. 1 (January- February 2011)
  • "Development of logistics and recovery of traffic flows", n. 6 (November- December 2010)
  • "The incertitudes of the 'made in Italy'", n. 5 (September - October 2010)
  • "Barcode technology and customs administrations", n. 4 (July - Aug. 2010)
  • "End-of-life tyres and tyre crumb", n. 3 (May -June 2010)
  • "The thousands faces of the 'Made in Italy'" and (with R. Bergami, "Time Release Studies for the efficiency of the clearing process" , n. 2 (March - April 2010)
  • "Lisbon Treaty: what are the changes for Customs?", n. 1 (January-February 2010)
  • "Inversion of route in the 'Made in' rules" , n. 6 (November-December 2009)
  • "'Made in Italy' rules frozen", n. 5 (September-October 2009)
  • "New provisions against counterfaiting", n. 4 (July/August 2009)
  • (with Giffoni, M.), "Dichiarazioni in materia di transito e di esportazioni" and "14° Forum UN/CEFACT", n. 3 (May-June 2009)
  • "Ravvedimento operoso, aboliti alcuni adempimenti tributari", n. 2 (May/Apr. 2009)
  • "Certificati di origine preferenziali, a chi l'onere della prova?"; "Interpello Doganale" e (with Giffoni, M.) "Modifiche al regime di transito", n. 1 (January/February 2009)
  • "Autovalutazione dei dazi nel nuovo codice doganale", n. 12 (November/Decembre 2008)
  • "Made in", n. 11 (September/October 2008)
  • "La nuova regola americana del 10+2", n. 10 (July/August 2008)
  • "Zone franche e territori extra-doganali", n. 9 (May/June 2008)
  • (con F. Silanos) "Facilitazioni commerciali: uno strumento per lo sviluppo del commercio internazionale", n. 8 (Mar./Apr. 2008)
  • "Gli strumenti di  collaborazione internazionale in campo doganale", n. 2 (Jan./Feb. 2008)
  • "L’origine ai fini doganali e commerciali", n. 5 (September/October 2007)
  • "I concetti di sportello unico ed interfaccia unica nel quadro della nuova strategia delle dogane elettroniche", n. 4 (July/Aug. 2007)
  • "Il Dumping e gli strumenti della politica commerciale comune europea", n. 1 (Jan./Feb. 2007)
  • "Nomenclature e Tariffe doganali a confronto", n. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2006)
  • "L’evoluzione dei controlli doganali: gestione dei rischi e controlli a posteriori", n. 5 (Sept./Oct. 2006)
  • "Contingenti Tariffari e loro metodi di gestione", n. 4 (July/August 2006)
  • "Clausole di spesa nel contratto di trasporto marittimo", n. 2 (March/April 2006)
  • "Container Security Iniziative: strategie di sicurezza USA ed UE a confronto", n. 1 (January/February 2006)
  • "L’accordo di consignment stock internazionale", n. 5 (September/October 2005)
  • "Tutela della proprietà intellettuale in Italia ed in Cina", n. 4 (July/August 2005)
  • "Spedizionieri doganali e nuova legge sulla privacy", n. 3 (May/June 2005)
  • "Analisi dei rischi in dogana: il modello dello Stairway svedese", e "I meccanismi di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali", n. 2 (March/April 2005)
  • "Il contratto di logistica", n. 6, (November/December 2004)
  • "Sostegno pubblico all’internazionalizzazione", n. 5 (September/October 2004)
  • "Joint Venture, una strategia vincente", n. 4 (July/August 2004)
  • "La professione di doganalista nel mondo", n. 3 (May/June 2004)

On "Diritto 24" of "Il Sole 24 Ore":

On "Nova Itinera" (forensic journal):

On "Sistemi di Logistica":


On the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Newsletter:

  • D. Desiderio, Frank J. Desiderio: "Italy Adopts New Legislation to Protect Italian Trademarks and “Made in Italy” Marking", 9 Sept. 2009

On "Trade with Italy" (Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Journal):


On "The Journal of Customs and Trade", Korea Research Society for Customs, Republic of Korea:


On "Taxation and Customs law Monitor" (Monitor Prawa Celnego i Podatkowego) - Journal Specialized in Tax and Customs law, edited in Warsaw (PL)

On Medium (

On "The Habari Network":

  • Air transport in Africa: often not an option, but the only choice, Octobre 2024
  • COMESA scales up efforts to facilitqate movement of agricultural and food products in the region, September 2024
  • Staple-crop processing zones: a new hope for the agro-processing sector in Africa to take off?, September 2024
  • Can Africa become the office of the world?, September 2024
  • No intra-African trade without roads: what Africa expects from China?, August 2024
  • The African Dilemma: protectionisms vs free trade, August 2024


    • La strategia UE per l’allargamento: i Programmi di Twinning
    • Il ruolo della Islamic law
    • Le Joint Ventures
    • La crescita del regionalismo in ambito Mediterraneo
    • Riforma del sistema pubblico di sostegno all’internazionalizzazione


    • Il riconoscimento delle sentenze italiane all’estero
    • Il ruolo delle Regioni nel processo di internazionalizzazione del sistema produttivo italiano

    On :

    • Sistemi giuridici di common, civil ed islamic law a confronto
    • Evoluzione del diritto consuetudinario in Africa e sistema dualistico di giustizia
    • Le tecniche di redazione del contratto internazionale nei grandi sistemi giuridici
    • Finanza e fisco negli ordinamenti islamici
    • I concetti di soft law e lex mercatoria nel diritto del commercio internazionale

    On Altalex:

    Interviews/they talk about us:

    Other materials:



    View Danilo Desiderio's profile on LinkedIn


    Copyright © 2011

    Desiderio Consultants Ltd., 46, Rhapta Road, Westlands, Nairobi (KENYA)